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Find Time Friday: Regroup Post-Holiday

There usually isn’t a lot going on at work during the holiday season (especially if you’ve got some extra time off to spend at home with your friends and family). The lull around and after the New Year holiday makes a perfect time to regroup and get on track to achieve your new goals and resolutions!

1. Start getting your calendar together! Call us if you want some tips and tricks for maximizing your Outlook calendar. Take time to schedule some meetings in the first week of the year with people who might also have a quiet week ahead of them and get a jump start on your projects and goals. If you need a great tool to do so, check out our previous post, Tech Talk Thursday: Schedule Smartly with Also consider scheduling a couple meetings with yourself to declutter or reclaim your space after the holiday rush. Toss what you don’t find valuable to your home, work or life right now (because it is getting in the way of finding what you need when you need it), put holiday decorations away and clear the decks for the new year.

2. Set yourself up for success. Whether or not you believe in “resolutions”, this can be a great time of year to reflect on the year that ust passed and set goals for what you want to accomplish in the year ahead. There are powerful statistics that show those who set goals, capture them in writing and share them with others are much more likely to achieve their desired results than those who don’t. We have a series of great  tips to help you get on your way to achieving your goals for the New Year. Check out the entire series, Reward Yourself, Visualize, Focus, Share, Stay Positive, and Make it SMART and develop a goal-setting strategy that’s right for you!

Make the most of your post-holiday time!  Have you made productive plans for your post-holiday season lull? We want to know!

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