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Stop apologizing and make your emails stronger

Do your emails contain words such as “just”, “I think”, “sorry” or “I am not an expert”? If your writing contains words and phrases like these that soften your communications, you may be unintentionally decreasing the confidence others (and you) have in your ideas, and hurting your business.

A new Gmail extension called “Just Not Sorry” identifies words that are best to avoid so that you can remove weak language from emails before sending them. Just Not Sorry was developed by Cyrus Innovation for business professionals who unknowingly undermine their communications by using words that convey weakness or lack of certainty.

Tami Reiss, Cyrus Innovation’s CEO, observed that women in leadership positions are particularly susceptible to softening their speech in situations that call for directness. She explains in this Medium blog post how she hatched the idea for this email tool while attending a League of Extraordinary Women event. “We had inadvertently fallen prey to a cultural communication pattern that undermined our ideas. As entrepreneurial women, we run businesses and lead teams – why aren’t we writing with the confidence of our positions?” wrote Reiss. She noted the desire these women shared to change their language but the lack of a tool to help.


The Google Chrome plugin Reiss co-created is free and takes only a few seconds to download. With this extension, trigger words and phrases can be searched; weak words and phrases that undermine your message are highlighted so they can be easily removed or replaced. Reiss found while beta testing the extension that it helped people be more mindful to avoid using weak language in all written and verbal communications, not just in emails.

This simple but powerful tool has been downloaded over 27,000 times. It’s use extends beyond just email. You can run presentations, speeches, letters or any other communication through the Gmail plugin to check for undermining language. Just Not Sorry makes it easy to stop apologizing.

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