Last week, I blogged about a quick and easy way to clean out your kids’ rooms. Just for fun, I wanted to show you a few of my favorite organizing products for kids:
Do you have piles and piles of kids artwork that you just don’t know what to do with? Why not display your favorites on this Art Show Display Line from Storables. You can rotate new artwork on the line weekly.
Does your daughter have tons and tons of barbie dolls or son have a collection of small cards and trucks? A creative way to store them is to hang them on the back of a bedroom door using a 24 Pocket Overdoor Shoe Bag from The Container Store. Just slip a doll or car in each pocket and you will no longer step on a barbie or vehicle each time you enter his or her bedroom.
Simple Storage Tubs from The Container Store are great for kids rooms or bonus rooms. You can toss balls in one, stuffed animals in one, and action figures in another. It is crucial to label each bin so everyone knows exactly what goes in each one. They come in an assortment of colors. Be sure to purchase containers and bins that your kids will love so they are motivated to use them. It is best to involve your kids in the shopping process.
Do you have a favorite organizing product for your kids’ room? We would love to hear from you!