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3 Tips to Overcome the Challenges of Goal Setting

Special thanks to our friend Dan Faulkner, Jr. from John L Scott  for these great ideas.

Many people avoid setting goals for themselves simply because they are faced with a few common challenges.  We have three tips to overcoming these barriers to success so you can being achieving your goals today.

1.  Set Practical Goals.  Often times, people set unrealistic or impractical goals for themselves that they are unable to achieve in the immediate future.  Instead, break large goals up into smaller short-term goals and reward yourself along the way.  For more tips on how to reward yourself check out our recent Goal Setting Success post.

2. Don’t Fear Failure.  While some of us set the bar too high, it is also possible to set the bar too low.  Trying to avoid disappointment by making your goals easy to obtain can stop you from moving forward.  Studies have shown that the additional effort and motivation that is required for challenging goals makes them more fulfilling to accomplish.  Need more motivation?  Try looking at our tips for visualizing success.

3. Have a Plan.  A big part of making goals is coming up with a plan of action to achievement.  You can improve your chances of making your goals reality by creating a deadline and sticking to it.  Deadlines both hold you accountable to yourself and keep you on track to your target.

How do you overcome the obstacles in the way of your goals?  We want to hear about it!

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