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31 Day Practical Minimalism Challenge!

Minimalism Challenge

Intrigued by the Minimalism movement but feel like it is too extreme for you? Want to practice Practical Minimalism? Could you get rid of 465 items in your home or office right now? Join our May Minimalism Challenge, and by the end of the month you will have done just that!

Last week we wrote about Practical Minimalism – the idea that clearing clutter and living a more minimalist life doesn’t have to be extreme or difficult. We invite you to learn if Less is More in your life this month.

The Minimalism Challenge – How it Works

Simply Placed is excited to run our annual May Minimalism challenge again this year. Want to join along? Here’s how:

On May 1st, find one item that you can live without and let it go. For May 2nd, find and let go of two items. On May 3rd, you’ll release three items, and so on. It will start out easy and may get a little more challenging when on the 28th day you are finding and donating or tossing 28 items, only one day after you let you of 27 things that weren’t serving you anymore. On the 29th day you’ll clear 29 items of clutter and on the 30th, you’ll feel lighter by 30 items. Imagine how clearing clutter in this fun way might impact your life. Are you up for the challenge?

We support our It’s About Time membership group through this challenge with daily posts, regular ideas, mini-challenges within the challenge, daily accountability and a lot of motivation and cheerleading. Doing this in community is fun and effective. During the month of May we will also post about the challenge weekly in our free Organize to Optimize Facebook group. We’d love for you to take an active part. Look for a post reminding you of the number of items to clear that day (daily in the It’s About Time group, weekly in the Organize to Optimize group). Share a comment with what you released, a picture if you’d like, and most importantly, let us celebrate small and large “wins” with you. If you’re feeling challenged, other’s comments may inspire you and if you need an extra push, ask us for suggestions on areas to clear, and we’ll happily oblige.

Who is in?

Who wants to clear clutter in their home and/or office and simplify their life? It’s About Time, right? If you do, join us for our May Minimalism Challenge.  We think you’ll agree that Less is More and can’t wait to hear how this impacts your home, work and life!

How Simply Placed Can Help

Do you need help minimizing clutter in your work space?  Do you need help prioritizing which items to keep? Encouragement to let things go? Our individual “It’s About Time” productivity coaching sessions help our clients take control over their work space. Be more productive and have more time for things that really matter.  Set up a Discovery Call today to learn more about how Simply Placed can help!

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