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5 Strategies for Sticking to Your Goals

Sticking to Your Goals

When you’re trying to start a new habit or routine or struggle to reach a goal, it is very easy to get discouraged. Sure, you’ll slip up at some point – we all do. However, there are things you can do to help you get back on track and “stick with it” when the going gets tough. 

It Takes Discipline

A recent article in Forbes magazine talked about the role of discipline in achieving your goals. It states that “there’s no magical formula to success and there’s no shortcut to achieving your goals”. Discipline is what helps you to move forward. It gives you a path to follow when you lose your way. 

The article references 5 things you can do when struggling to stick to a new goal or habit. We’ve touched on all of these in the past, and teach these strategies to our clients every day. Give them a try the next time you struggle with sticking to a goal. 

  • Start small – be realistic: when you break a bigger task down into smaller pieces, it becomes much more manageable and much less overwhelming. 
  • Track your progress: write down your goals, measure your progress, and enlist an accountability partner to keep you on course. 
  • Manage your expectations: when the going gets tough, don’t get discouraged. Use that feeling to motivate you, and adjust your path if needed. If you keep at it and stick to your plan, you’ll get closer to your finish line. 
  • Reward yourself: what small things can you do to celebrate your progress? Rewards make it easier for you to stick to your game plan when you know there is something to look forward to.
  • Be kind to yourself: through whatever may come along the way, give yourself grace and forgiveness if you slip up. It will make you stronger and more prepared to move forward when you reach your next challenge. 

It’s About Time

Do you need help setting your goals or want to learn strategies that can help you attain them? Consider joining our “It’s About Time” virtual productivity program! You’ll have access to monthly live and recorded webinars and “Ask the Organizer” sessions, a monthly accountability day and more. You’ll also gain access to the resources and accountability available in our private Facebook community, targeted exclusively to the program and its members.

What are your goals? We’d love to hear them and cheer you on to successful completion. Contact us and we will help you “stick to them” and get the year off to your most productive start!

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