We could all use a few ways to reduce the piles and piles of junk mail we receive every day. Filtering out the good from the bad is a time-waster for all of us. To help, Simply Placed has put together a list of the six best ways to eliminate or reduce the amount of unwanted mail coming to you!
Greendimes.com – has several options available online for you to stop junk mail from cluttering your mailbox. Its worth a look.
National Do Not Call Registry – Although not technically “junk mail” preventing “junk calls” is just as important. Avoid unwanted interruptions from telemarketers by signing on with this national registry. Fewer interruptions mean more flow in both work and pleasure.
Direct Marketing Association – Reduce clutter from junk mail by registering your name and address with the Direct Marketing Association. Make room in your mailbox for things that matter.
41pounds.org – Stops your junk mail and catalogs, while protecting the environment. Reclaim your mailbox and the time you spend sorting each day.
Catalog Choice – Still getting several catalogs the previous owner subscribed to? Have you been receiving catalogs that you never requested in the first place? Used to find one valuable, but no longer want it? Use this site to eliminate unwanted catalogs you receive.