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Quick Tip for Improving Focus: Visualize and Verbalize

What does your day look like? Visualize and verbalize your goals to improve focus and results We talk a lot about various tools and techniques for goal setting and time management. Sometimes small simple things can make a big difference in helping you plan your time and stick to your goals. In addition to writing… Read more

Focus on the Action Rather than the Outcome

How to Stay Focused and Not Get Overwhelmed by Your New Year’s Goals 2022 is here and with it many of us have new goals we want to achieve this year. But as we wrote in “Make 2022 the Year for YOU!”, according to the New York Times, the average New Year’s resolution lasts for… Read more

“It’s About Time” to Stop Multitasking and Learn to Focus

What distracts you the most during your work day? Distractions: things that prevent someone from giving full attention to something else. Whether it is a talkative co-worker, the lure of social media, incessant Email notifications, or just things that make your mind wander… distractions interrupt your productivity and take your focus away from what you need… Read more

Stop Multitasking and Increase Focus Instead

The Myth of Multitasking Are you under the impression that you have to multitask in order to be productive and “get it all done”? Most people think that they can save time by multitasking, trying to do 2 or 3 things at once. However, studies show that those who multitask are less effective than those… Read more

How to Improve Your Focus and Be More Productive

Focusing on one task at a time makes the brain more productive It’s easy to get caught in the mindset that doing more than one thing at a time makes us more productive. In fact, just the opposite is true. When you focus on just one task all the way through to completion, you actually… Read more

Harness Your Focus to Stay on Track

Do you lose track of time, skip meals and stay up late because you are so engrossed in something interesting, then realize that you forgot an appointment, ignored a commitment or got sick? While focus is necessary to be productive and achieve goals, sometimes hyperfocus can be detrimental. When those with the tendency to hyperfocus (common for many people… Read more

Easily Distracted? Clamp your Goals to Increase Focus

Distraction is a challenge for many people with today’s fast paced life, pressures to multitask, and the abundance of information coming from so many sources. Computers, mobile devices, the internet and social media are useful tools, but also contribute to an increasingly higher level of distraction. The more distracted we are, the harder it is to focus… Read more

Do you get Easily Distracted, Find it Hard to Focus?

Many talented people full of creative energy and innovative ideas find it challenging to focus, particularly on tasks they find uninteresting or tedious such as paperwork, filling out forms, filing, and other routine tasks. The distractions of the internet, media, more stimulating projects and engaging with others can pull people in lots of different directions, often all at once,… Read more

Say No to increase your Focus

Are you pulled in so many directions that you can’t focus? Our culture places so much emphasis on working more, earning more and doing more that exhaustion and stress might seem like a necessary price to pay to please others and be successful. But when we are stretched too thin, constantly rushing from one thing to the… Read more

Sitting Too Much? Move More for Health and Focus

Many studies have been published recently about the unhealthy effects of our sedentary lifestyle. Sitting too much is taking a toll on our health and well-being. Many people are opting for standing desks to vary their posture and prevent sitting disease. A 2014 study in the International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health found… Read more

Here’s How to Use Music to Support Focus

Can a service like Focus@Will, which provides a selection of music without lyrics that plays for a determined amount of time, help you increase your productivity? Their free trial may be something to check out if you’ve been curious. Set up your environment to eliminate distraction and help you focus on the task at hand…. Read more

Stop Wasting Time Online with Stay Focused

Most everyone has had the experience of getting sucked into a Web site, spending more time there than they planned and not getting things done that matter.  This creates feelings of disappointment, regret and stress.  What if your Web browser worked to better support your focus by either restricting access to certain sites or tracking… Read more

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