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Do you get Easily Distracted, Find it Hard to Focus?

Many talented people full of creative energy and innovative ideas find it challenging to focus, particularly on tasks they find uninteresting or tedious such as paperwork, filling out forms, filing, and other routine tasks. The distractions of the internet, media, more stimulating projects and engaging with others can pull people in lots of different directions, often all at once, making it hard to follow through and get things done.

For some people, difficulty focusing, being easily distracted, challenges with decision-making and time management can be indicative of ADD/ADHD. Whether diagnosed or not, there are many helpful resources available for adults and children who struggle with these issues.

Many of our clients who have ADD/ADHD or experience difficulties or stress in these areas find it extremely helpful to have a partner to help in creating organized systems and productive habits. Having a “coach” who understands ADD/ADHD and provides non-judgmental support, structure and accountability helps many people turn their challenges into positive traits that enrich rather than impair their lives.

At Simply Placed, our experience and training gives us the understanding and tools to support adults and families of all ages, including those with ADD/ADHD. We partner with each individual to create a personalized plan for increasing focus, organization and productivity that works for each person’s personality, pace, goals and needs.

There are many other good resources available for people feeling challenged with distraction and focus. Here in our local area, we are fortunate to have the Hallowell-Todaro Center, the first ADD/ADHD center in Seattle, founded by Lesley Todaro and Dr. Ned Hallowell. Their center provides evaluation and assessments, treatment, therapy, parenting programs and more.

Dr. Hallowell’s “What is ADHD” provides a brief, easy to read summary of what ADHD looks and feels like. Dr. Hallowell, who himself has ADD, has written many good books about ADD/ADHD, such as Driven To Distraction. He describes ADHD not as a “deficit”, “disorder” or “disability” (unless it prevents a person from functioning well), but as a trait and a gift — one that when managed properly, can be a huge asset in a person’s life.

Other resources we and many of our clients find helpful include CHADD, the National Resource on ADHD. The CHADD site is loaded with educational information that helps people understand ADHD and find support in their local communities. ADD Resources is another trusted non-profit organization that helps people find education, support and networking opportunities. Their site includes many articles, guides and helpful tips, and a directory of service providers. ADDitute magazine also has excellent articles and resources that help people understand and manage ADD/ADHD.

We regularly stay abreast of these resources so that we can support our clients whether they have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or are just feeling overwhelmed because life is so busy. If you have difficulty with focus, distraction, procrastination or time management, our Professional Organizers and Productivity Consultants can help you gain control and bring life back into focus.


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