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An Attitude of Gratitude Helps You Be More Productive

An attitude of gratitude

In times of stress or uncertainty, learning to embrace an attitude of gratitude can help you to be more productive. Expressing gratitude also helps you feel more grounded and better equipped to meet the challenges of your day. 

Research shows that people are happier if they are grateful for the positive things in their lives. Who was the last person you thanked? Do you remember how it made you feel?

When we are stressed or overwhelmed, it is easy to dwell on what might not be working as well as we’d like. It seems easy to complain about people or situations that are causing challenges. Pausing to reflect on what we are grateful for brings a shift in our emotional state. Adding gratitude to your collection of daily success habits can help you be more productive as well.

There are so many ways we can use our intention and attention to bring greater focus and productivity. Expressing gratitude is just one of them. With a little practice, you might find that exercising your gratitude muscle not only feels good, it is a great way to start your day. Some people like to end their day by reflecting on small or big things that happened to them, that they encountered, or that they thought of that day.

Start November with an Attitude of Gratitude

During the month of November, we challenge you to make a daily habit of writing down one thing you are grateful for each day. Gratitude feels good and sets you on a positive path. 

What are some ways you can practice gratitude? 

  • Writing thank you notes
  • Paying it forward with small acts of kindness
  • Keeping a gratitude journal

Spending just 5 minutes each day thinking about what you are grateful for trains your mind to focus on the positive things in your life.

By starting and ending your day with a mindset of gratitude, you’ll be more productive and successful at reaching your goals. Expressing thanks can lead to feeling healthier and happier, so it’s a great thing to practice often. 

Giving thanks is not just for Thanksgiving. Try adding gratitude to your collection of daily success habits! 

Could you use some help building your daily success habits that lead to optimal productivity? Schedule your Discovery Call today to explore how we can help.

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