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Better Together

Looking for a great mentor to guide you in your business? Consider an accountability partner. My relationship with with my accountability partner, Jan Wencel of Spark Productivity was recently mentioned in the Toilet Paper Entreprenuer (TPE) Blog and in the July 2009 Issue of the Women Business Owners Digest. Jan and I met over 3 years ago… Read more

Declare Your Independence From Clutter This Month

Declare your independence from clutter this month. Make it easy. Take just  15 minutes per day to clear clutter from one drawer, surface, or area of a room/office. A lot of people feel overwhelmed by the task of organizing. Sometimes it helps to really break the project down into small, bitesize, manageable pieces. We may say… Read more

The Gift of Time

I taught a GO System class to a group of Comcast employees last week and got a great email from one of the attendees the following day. He wrote, Great Class, There are not very many classes that you are able to start using immediately, and see results.  Thanks for giving me the gift of time…. Read more

A Recipe for Success

While at the National Association of Professional Organizers Conference in April, I bought a new organizing  product to test out. Turns out that its a great tool and I wanted to share it with you. If you love to clip, print or collect recipes from family, friends, magazines, newspapers and the internet, but don’t have a… Read more

Get the big rocks in first!

I often talk about the 80/20 Priciple when working with people to determine their priorities and help them figure out how to get those priorities done. The 80/20 Principle, otherwise know as Pareto’s Principle, says that we get 80% of our results from 20% of the work that we do. If we’re able to identify… Read more

You’ve Got (Snail) Mail

Though we’ve heard of, and some of us have dreamed of, the paperless society, the fact is, we still have lots of paper coming into our lives. Much of the time it starts in our mail box. Do you have a daily mail system in place? You may find it helpful to get into a… Read more

End Your Paper Pain

Do you have paper pain? End it once and for all. If you’re in the Seattle area, come join us on 6/17 from 6:30 – 9:00 pm at the Phinney Center and we’ll teach you a system that makes it just as easy to file, instead of pile. We’ll get you set up with a… Read more

We need you!

  We would love to hear from you! We value you as our clients, friends, family, associates and blog/newsletter readers and would love to hear how we are doing and how we can better serve you. Please take a few minutes to complete this Survey. It is a quick 10 question survey that will only… Read more

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