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Are You Stuck in a Cycle of Procrastination?

Procrastination: that undesirable time gap between intention and action. We’re all guilty of procrastination from time to time, and it is one of the biggest time management enemies and productivity killers. You intend to do something, you may even plan time to do it, but then you drag your feet. Getting out of the cycle… Read more

The Truth about Multi-tasking and Productivity

Are you under the impression that you have to multi-task in order to be productive and “get it all done”? If so, you’re not alone. Many people, stressed out and overwhelmed by the volume of their to-do list feel compelled to speed up, work faster, push harder, and do multiple things at the same time…. Read more

Quick Tip for Improving Focus: Visualize and Verbalize

What does your day look like? Visualize and verbalize your goals to improve focus and results We talk a lot about various tools and techniques for goal setting and time management. Sometimes small simple things can make a big difference in helping you plan your time and stick to your goals. In addition to writing… Read more

Make Time and Space for Relationships to Thrive

Happy Valentines Day!  Simply Placed wishes you a day filled with friendship and love. And of course, that you make time and space for your relationships to thrive. If you have a significant other, you’ve probably encountered a time (or many times) when “stuff” has become an emotionally charged topic.  Whether it’s that comfortable (but… Read more

Forming a New Habit is a Process, Not an Event

Are you having trouble getting a new habit to stick? Forming a new habit is a process, not an event. Many studies show it takes at least 30 days to form a new habit. That means if you made a New Year’s resolution or set goals for 2022 that include a new habit, it should… Read more

Why Having An Accountability Partner is Good for Productivity

If you have ever had a running or workout partner, you have likely experienced how much it helped you stay on track with your fitness goals. Making the commitment to stick to your plan can be much easier when you’ve told someone else that you’ll be there at 6am, rain or shine. The same proves… Read more

Do You Need Help Sticking to Your Plan?

Many of us entered 2022 with new goals and plans; and some renewed motivation to go after the results we want.  But as “real life” kicks in, it gets more difficult to stick to our plan.  Do you need some help sticking to your plan? If you’re like many people, you may have already slipped… Read more

How to Keep the “Winter Blues” from Affecting Your Productivity

I love the seasons. Living in the Northwest for most of my life, I cherish our (relatively short) summers the most. It’s a running joke, but not entirely inaccurate that summer doesn’t really start until after the 4th of July. But from early July until about the end of September, there’s no placed I’d rather… Read more

Focus on the Action Rather than the Outcome

How to Stay Focused and Not Get Overwhelmed by Your New Year’s Goals 2022 is here and with it many of us have new goals we want to achieve this year. But as we wrote in “Make 2022 the Year for YOU!”, according to the New York Times, the average New Year’s resolution lasts for… Read more

Are You Ready? Make 2022 The Year For You

As 2021 comes to a close, Simply Placed would like to thank our community for their engagement, business, and conversation in this last year. We value the opportunity to be a part of your productivity journey and to help you have time for what matters most. Here’s Debbie’s New Year’s message to you:  Are you… Read more

Make 2022 the Year for YOU!

With 2021 ending and 2022 about to begin, many of us will engage in the annual ritual of setting resolutions and goals for the new year. Often our goals start with things we would like to do for ourselves such as read more books, eat healthier, make new friends, or go to the gym more… Read more

How to Stay Productive through the Holidays

Do you find that holiday stress impacts your productivity? Is it harder for you to focus on work this time of year because of the holidays? If you’ve noticed your motivation or productivity dipping, you’re not alone. Studies show that more than two-thirds of workers report being less productive in December compared to other months. Many of… Read more

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