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Calculate the Costs of Disorganization

Disorganization is Costing Your Business Money

Have you ever calculated how much the time you or employees spend looking for things is costing your business? To put the financial costs of disorganization into concrete terms, here is a simple formula.

If you spend just 5 minutes of every hour of an 8-hour work day looking for things, that adds up to 40 minutes per day or over 4 weeks per year (166 hours). In reality, many people often spend an hour or more per work day looking for something (and how often do you only work 8 hours a day?).

The cumulative cost of disorganization adds up fast when you take each employee’s hourly pay rate and multiply it by 166 hours per year. For example: $25/hour X 166 hours = $4,150/year, lost to looking for things. That is just for one employee earning about $50K/year salary. Multiply $4,150 by the number of employees and the cost quickly gets much higher. Surely you can think of many better ways to spend those resources!

How much would your business stand to gain by getting better organized? If you would benefit from creating better organized systems at work or at home, contact us to learn more about how our productivity consultants and professional organizers can help you save time and resources.

Stay tuned for our next post, which will show the impact that managing your email effectively can have on your productivity.

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