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Can a Professional Organizer Help You? Take Our Quiz

Wondering if you would benefit from working with a Simply Placed Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant?  Take our quiz to find out!

Answer Yes or No to each of the following questions.  Count how many times you answer Yes.

  1. Do you use your spare bedroom or garage as a junk-room?
  2. Are you overwhelmed when you think about the work it would take to get organized?
  3. When you’re ready to start getting organized, do you know where to start?
  4. Are your living spaces, work spaces and storage spaces so crowded that it’s almost impossible to find what you’re looking for?
  5. Do you spend more time than you’d like putting out fires, with no time for getting work done and/or long-term planning?
  6. Have you experienced a life-changing event (move, birth, death, divorce, change in health, marriage, change in job) and feel disorganized as a result?
  7. Are you convinced you were born without the organizing gene?
  8. Do you avoid entertaining at home or having people in your office because you’re embarrassed by how it looks?
  9. Do you know or think you may have ADD or ADHD?
  10. Do you feel guilty about working overtime and missing out on personal time?
  11. Are you unable to quickly and safely find things you need?
  12. Have you purchased many books on becoming more organized or productive and still find yourself disorganized and unproductive?
  13. Are you paying your bills late?
  14. Do you wish you had a filing system that really works (on in which you can find things and it’s easy to put things away)?
  15. Are you missing out opportunities because things fall through the cracks?
  16. Do you experience stress and overwhelm by all of the things that need doing and long for an effective system for managing your time, tasks and resources?
  17. Is disorganization and low productivity negatively impacting your performance at work?
  18. Is disorganization a source of discontent with your friends and family?
  19. Do you struggle to successfully create (and stick with) new habits that work for you?

How’d you do?

  • 5 or more “Yes” responses – It’s time to get some help.  Stop living with stress and overwhelm and churning over what you should do.  A Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant will save you time and money and help you get on the right track to lasting organization.
  • 3 or 4 “Yes” responses – You may have some organizational and productivity roadblocks.  Maybe you’re organized and productive in some aspects of your life and need some support finding systems and habits to help you perform better in other areas.  A Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant can help you make sense of your trouble spots, learn new skills, quickly dig out from clutter and get back on the right track.
  • 2 or fewer “Yes” responses – You’re probably pretty organized and productive.  No one is perfect though!  Use the Simply Placed blog or subscribe to the newsletter for access to relevant articles that help you continue to develop your organizational skill and productivity.

Need more information? Read Who Benefits from Working with a Professional Organizer and Contact Us.


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