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Can You See It?

Writing out your goals increases your chance for success, but finding a way to regularly review and visualize what you want, or want to accomplish, has a tremendous impact on your motivation to take action (and if you believe in the law of attraction – to manifest your dreams).

Linda Wenzinger - Simply Placed Team Member

Linda Wenzinger – Simply Placed Team Member

Simply Placed team member, Linda Wenzinger, has a practice of creating a dream board or vision board each year. She’s been at it for 11 years and has found that seeing her dreams through pictures helps turns those dreams into goals. For example, she visualized herself achieving a reward trip for top sales in her previous company, and reviewing the pictures daily spurred her into action, landing her in the top 10% of sales for each of the nine years she included this on her board.

Before you create your board, be clear on what you want to achieve for the year and consider what those goals look like.  Sometimes that is the hardest part of the whole process.  You have to  overcome the challenge of setting your goals. Really take time to contemplate them, and once they are established you can get creative by bringing them to life through pictures and words. Cull through magazines or find visual representation of your goals online. Look for pictures that represent your success.  Find quotes and words that inspire you and speak to what you are trying to accomplish.

Will you take a little time this month to create a vision board? This can be a fun activity to do with a work team or group of friends. You can then support each other and create some accountability. Let us know how you manifest your dreams into goals into action into success! We’re excited for you! The best part is seeing how this visualization turns those dreams into goals that you actually accomplish.

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