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The Power in an Accountability Partner

The Power in an Accountability Partner

The Power of Accountability Have you ever benefited from having an accountability partner? Motivation may help get you started, but when it comes to achieving a goal and sustaining the results, you may need to rely on more than your desire to succeed. If you have ever had a running or workout partner, you have… Read more

Up for a Challenge? Join our 5-Day Productivity Challenge

Do you need a kick-in-the-pants to finally get organized and be more productive? Consider our 5-day productivity challenge. What is limiting your ability to be productive and reach your goals, either personally or professionally? Do you have too much stuff, too many emails, too much on your to-do list, procrastinate or spin your wheels but… Read more

Who Is Your Accountability Partner?

Smart companies and employers understand that accountability partnerships are effective not just for achieving personal goals. Peer-based accountability partnerships at work are also very effective in helping employees reach business goals, and can have a significant impact not only on employee satisfaction but also on the bottom line. Different than mentorship, which is a more hierarchical relationship, a peer-to-peer relationship… Read more

One Text Message Can Change Your Life

Did you know that one short text message has the power to significantly change your life? It may seem hard to believe, but if used intentionally as part of your productivity tool set, a text message to your accountability partner can play an important part in helping you achieve your goals. Here’s one small example of how this… Read more

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