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Toss Media: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Toss Media: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing media you can’t play or view anymore – cassette tapes, video tapes, DVDs, film canisters and partially used disposable cameras. Do you have a drawer, shelf, box, or entertainment center stuff with VHS tapes even though you’re without a tape player? Are old… Read more

Tech Talk Thursday: Check Email Intermittently

Feeling bogged down by your inbox at work? Do you find yourself constantly distracted by incoming messages? Prevent email from creating interruptions throughout your day. Instead, select an interval that you’ll check your email to see if anything needs immediate action or a quick response. This could be every 30 minutes, every hour, or perhaps… Read more

Tech Talk Thursday: Disconnect for Thanksgiving Dinner

Happy Thanksgiving to you! Today’s TTT is short and sweet – simply put, we at Simply Placed hope you enjoy a wonderful day filled with family, friends, and fun. And while you’re indulging in the decadence of the day, consider putting yourself on a brief technology diet. Instead of bringing your smart phone or tablet… Read more

Tech Talk Thursday: Do Something Big before Email

Do you dread hitting the office every morning only to see how many new emails you’ve received in just one night? Do you wonder how you’ll ever be able to get your work done and respond to all of those messages? We have a tip for you: stop letting email guide your work and progress… Read more

Tech Talk Thursday: Task Management with the Eisenhower Matrix

Looking for a way to visually prioritize and organize your tasks? The idea of categorizing tasks by urgency and importance is credited to President Eisenhower who is quoted as saying, “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” Utilizing the Eisenhower matrix requires that you ask yourself two very simple… Read more

Tech Talk Thursday: Quantify Your Day with Track Yourself!

Navigating the ocean of apps out there can be daunting. There’s an app for everything these days and usually several to choose from that essentially do the same thing. If you’re ready to organize your app life and find the best that will help you be your best, try mapping out your app needs and quantifying your… Read more

Tech Talk Thursday: Get it Done with Goalforit!

Do you struggle with goal setting and prioritization? OK, perhaps that’s a snap for you, but how about your family? What if your kids had a fun, easy to use online behavior chart to help them establish positive behavior and successful habits?   Goalforit is an online community of individuals who are commited to achieving… Read more

Tech Talk Thursday: Keep Tabs on your To-Do List with Todoist

  The key to effectively managing any project is to move your task list out of your head and into print. Whether you capture your ideas in a notebook, planner, or prefer more high-tech solutions, this habit will help you stay focused and on task when you are managing multiple projects. One of the oldest… Read more

Wellness Wednesday: Inoculations, They’re Not Just for Kids

Can you remember the last time you had a Tetanus booster? Are you sure you completed all courses of recommended childhood vaccines? What about a yearly flu vaccine? Vaccines aren’t just for kids, it’s time to get organized about your health and know what you need and when you need it. Did you know that… Read more

Clear Car Clutter: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing junk out of the seat pockets of your cars. Do you have overstuffed seat pockets with everything from year-old mail to old granola bars? Maybe you have a first aid kit or emergency supplies you can’t even find anymore? Are your… Read more

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