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Find an Organization That Needs Your Stuff!

Find an Organization That Needs Your Stuff!

Let go of what you don’t need anymore and at the same time, benefit a worthy organization who could really use your stuff.  Don’t just fill up a landfill with your unwanted possessions!  Previously we told you about the St. Vincent de Paul Society and how to donate to them. Today we want to share two additional resources for… Read more

Tips for Letting Go of Sensitive Information

Disposing of documents with peronal information can be complicated.  It’s important to make sure you are protecting your identity when you let go of your sensitive information or, in a business setting, to protect your clients’ information.  Shredding is the best way to protect you personal and sensitive information.  There are a lot of options out… Read more

Toss Sensitive Info: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge!  RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing or shredding old papers with your personal or otherwise sensitive information.  Do you have overflowing boxes of paperwork to be shredded?  Ten minutes is enough time to shred through your piles or sort your old mail that may have information like bank accounts… Read more

Toss Subscriptions & Go Paperless: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge!  RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing your useless subscriptions and go paperless!  Are you recieving magazines or catalogues that you no longer value? Mailings from an organization that you are no longer interested in? Periodicals that are no longer relevant to you? Paper copies of bills, statements… Read more

Toss Old Books: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Many of us are  lovers, keepers and collectors of books.   Have you  run out of room and are ready to let go of some?  We have three ideas that can help and you’ll finally clear out that bookshelf with our Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! 1. Sell your books online.  All of us have experienced disappointment at a second-hand book… Read more

Toss Unused Toys: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge!  RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes on your child’s room clearing out broken or unused toys to make room for new gifts from the holiday season.  Ten minutes is enough time to sort out gently used toys that can be donated to charity, discard broken toys and roughly… Read more

Give the Gift of Less

We recently blogged about several ways you can eliminate all kinds of unwanted mail in 6 Easy Ways to Eliminate Junk Mail.  Now we have a tool to share with you that will do all the work for you!  It also makes for a meaningful gift that everyone needs this time of year when our mailboxes are filled with… Read more

6 Easy Ways to Eliminate Junk Mail

We could all use a few ways to reduce the piles and piles of junk mail we receive every day.  Filtering out the good from the bad is a time-waster for all of us. To help,  Simply Placed has put together a list of the six best ways to eliminate or reduce the amount of unwanted mail coming to… Read more

Want an Extra Hour in Your Day?

Before falling asleep this Saturday night, don’t forget to “fall back” and set your clocks back one hour. This is also a great opportunity to remind yourself to do a few other things you might do semi-annually.  In our productivity workshops we teach participants to tie a new habit they’re trying to develop to something they… Read more

Introducing the Getting Organized Magazine!

Treat yourself to some sanity!  Every few months the Getting Organized Magazine will serve as a reminder and inspiration to get and stay organized. Each new issue is filled with strategies, motivations, new product reviews and much more.  In addition to the magazine, you’ll get the ebook 80 Quick and Easy Tips to Get You Started… Read more

Could You "Grab and Go" in Case of Emergency?

In our last post, we featured the Life Maintenance Toolkit, which is an outstanding product to help us prepare and organize our important documents in case of an emergency.  In this post we are going to share another great product that is available to help organize your vital records in case something should happen to… Read more

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