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Could You "Grab and Go" in Case of Emergency?

In our last post, we featured the Life Maintenance Toolkit, which is an outstanding product to help us prepare and organize our important documents in case of an emergency.  In this post we are going to share another great product that is available to help organize your vital records in case something should happen to you.  This product is called The Vital Records PortaVault which was launced in 2006 by Sherie Dodsworth.  Sherie invented this after seeing a video of Hurricane Katrina victims being evacuated from their flooded or destroyed homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs and then living in a football stadium with thousands of people.  She realized how limited natural disaster victims were in their ability to take vitally important records and documents of their lives with them and keep them secure.

The Vital Records PortaVault system is a zippered case made of durable canvas and includes an adjustable shoulder strap and sturdy handle providing a grab-and-go solution for emergency situations.  The PortaVault system utilizes a series of pre-printed labels and record protectors to identify, organize and store hundreds of pages of documents. In addition there are several custom forms which help summarize critical information that individuals and families use in their daily lives and for future planning.

The Vital Records PortaVault is an easy to use, comprehensive system that identifies, organizes, stores and transports all of your important records commonly found at home.

For more information or to order this product, click here!

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