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Fall Back and Tackle Your Semi-Annual Tasks

fall back tasks

Daylight Savings Time is coming to an end this weekend and it’s time to “fall back”. Before you go to bed on Saturday night, remember to set your clocks back one hour!

While changing the clocks is a pretty easy thing to remember, this is also a great time of year to think about some other routine tasks that can or should be done twice a year. And just think: you’ll have an extra hour to tackle some of them on Sunday!

For example, it’s recommended that you also change the batteries on your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors twice a year. But what other maintenance things could you do at home this weekend or around the office on Monday that are smart to do semi-annually?

Here are a few ideas for semi-annual tasks:

  • Clean out and organize your file cabinets – done once every 10 years, this is a really big chore, but done every six months, it’s not as big of a deal. Put on some music and power through your files, shredding, recycling and tossing what’s no longer needed.
  • Purge your car’s trunk and consider installing rubber floor mats for the rainy season
  • Check items in your refrigerator, freezer and pantry for expiration dates – toss anything resembling a science experiment or otherwise beyond its shelf life!
  • Sort your closet, donate anything you no longer love and store last season’s clothes.
  • Clean the filter on your furnace and air return ducts. Alternately, schedule a service to do so.
  • Cover (or uncover in the spring) your outside faucets.
  • Schedule maintenance on your heating (or air conditioning) system.
  • Winterize your sprinkler system or schedule service to do so.
  • Remove (or install) window screens.
  • Check your medicine cabinet for expired products and toss them responsibly.
  • Check the condition of your tires and windshield wiper blades; replacing them when needed.
  • Flip and rotate your mattress.
  • Check your emergency supply kit expiration dates. Replace any items past their prime.
  • Reset timers on automatic lights.
  • And of course, reset all clocks in your home, office and don’t forget the clock in your car!

Tie these semi-annual tasks with “spring forward” and “fall back” dates and you’ll never forget! How do you schedule your semi-annual tasks, and do you have any that we should add to our list, above? We want to know!

Keep track of your home maintenance in our handy e-workbook. Click here to purchase the Simply Organized: Home Maintenance Record Book for $17.99 plus tax.


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