Disorganization is a major barrier to productivity. You waste time everyday looking for things around your home and office, all those misplaced items add up to lost productivity hours. If you’re feel like you don’t have the time to get things done, you can get more organized by creating systems that become productive habits. Well organized systems can and should be changed as better methods are established.
Find time this Friday to evaluate how you’re spending your day. What changes would you make? What would an ideal day look like? Next, make a schedule that incorporates your goals for the day and follows your priorities. Carve our some time for organization each week so that you new system will keep improving and working for you.
Looking for a high-tech way to keep track of all those tasks on your daily schedule? Read our post, Tech Talk Thursday: Any.do is One of the Best Task List Applications for Mobile Devices. The value of a task or to-do list, no matter what technology you use, is that it helps you remember, focus on and prioritize what you need to do to meet your short- and long-term goals. Tell us what you think of Any.do or any system you use to manage your daily schedule and tasks.
Don’t forget to toss distractions to keep yourself focused on your schedule and tasks. While it’s unreasonable for many of us to get rid of source of the most distractions, Web browsing software, it may make since to get rid of some of the games or widgets that compete for our attention when we sit down to work at the computer.
How do you beat disorganization? We want to know!