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Find Time Friday: Finding Your Routine after Vacation

Do you dread all the work that’s piled up since your business trip, vacation, etc? I’ve been doing a lot of travelling this month for both vacation and business. Here I’ve highlighted a few strategies  to help you to have a smooth “reentry” into your local life and business routine.

Catch up on email during the flight home. A long flight is a great opportunity to start processing your inbox and catch up on what you’ve missed.

Hit the ground running. Have a good healthy breakfast and then start your workday with a meeting with yourself. Block off a chunk of time to get organized.

Ease back in. Don’t schedule anything too challenging for your first few days back, give yourself time to adjust and catch up.

If things are still  just too overwhelming, take a moment to identify what’s really got you feeling this way. Once you identify the source of your reentry stress, y0u can take action and plan a different approach following your next trip for a smoother reentry.

For more tips check out Fast Company’s article, Post Vacation Strategies for Hitting the Ground Running.

How do you find your routine after a trip? We want to know!

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