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Stop the Insanity! 5 Steps to Setting Goals at Work

Set effective goals at work to achieve success this year
Now that we’re a month into the new year, how are your resolutions working out?   In the past few weeks, we’ve given some ideas about how to set realistic personal resolutions, but do you make resolutions in your work life?  Perhaps you call them goals.  It can be easy to think of a new year as a fresh start in our personal lives, but forget that our work life could use a little refreshing each year too.  Goal setting in business is not only vital to your success, but also the success of your company.  It creates a vision, motivation, and direction to help you move forward.  Like resolutions though, goals can fizzle if not created properly, maintained, and re-evaluated.
Insanity is often defined as doing something over and over again but expecting different results.  Setting achievable goals can seem overwhelming, and it can be tempting to recycle old goals or keep them open-ended.   Evaluate and change old goals, then set new ones to successfully move forward with these 5 easy steps:


Step #1: Assess

Determine where you are right now.

  • Did you meet last year’s goals.  If not, why?
  • What is working?
  • What needs changing or refining?
  • How has your company or role changed and evolved?


Step #2:  Define

Reflect thoughtfully about what you need to achieve for your job and/or business and also what you want to achieve professionally this year.   Take some time to write down anything that may come to mind.  Don’t be afraid to dream big!  Think of achievements and activity that motivate you.  You will refine this list with the next steps.


Step #3:  Prioritize

Make two columns on paper or a computer document: Individual and Team/Business.  In each column, record the top 2-3 goals you feel will be most realistic and make the biggest impact to you individually and to the team or company you work with. Order them by level of importance.  Include one in each column that stretches your comfort zone, but feels exciting.  Is there a problem you see that you can solve, but might need to take a class or acquire additional tools to implement?  If it adds value to your company, evaluate what tools or resources would be necessary.  If it seems like a possibility, courageously give it a go!


Step #4: Specify

Be concise and focused.  Define your goals according to the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Really Wanted, and Time-Bound).  Print and display your goals where you will see them on a daily basis.  Once  you’ve set SMART goals, break each goal into milestones and a set of tasks and activities to incrementally achieve the end result you want.  Use an app, create a spreadsheet or use a white board in your office to track progress and serve as visual motivation.  Commit to the process.


Step #5:  Be Flexible

Even the best laid plans can derail or need changing.  Calendar a time to review your goals monthly. Take stock and adjust either your action plan, or goal as necessary.  Avoid insanity by making your SMART goals SMARTER, with the addition of ‘Evaluate’ and Re-do‘.  As companies, roles, and people evolve and change, so too should your goals.

Now that you’ve set your goals and made them SMARTER, put your action plan into action!   A goal is just a dream until a system and timeline is in place to make it reality.  Use this year to break the cycle of insanity. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stuck. or need some accountability, give us a call!   Simply Placed specializes in implementing simple and effective systems for success, personally and professionally and we’d be honored to partner with you.

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