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How to Create a Move-In Ready Checklist


After the hustle and bustle of moving all of the boxes out of your old home and into your new abode is over it’s time to get unpacked and put-away. Make yourself move-in ready with a simple checklist to get organized and start tackling priority rooms!

Begin with a walkthrough of your new home. Look around and see what you have to work with. How many boxes of stuff need to fit here? Determine how you want the room to look. Is unpacking this room a priority? Do you have everything you need to do so now, or will you need to purchase or aquire any products to help you store what you want in this room?

Organize your checklist by room and start with your top priority rooms, working your way down. Ask yourself the following questions:

What is my storage situation in this room? Do you need more storage bins, small storage solutions, shelving units or other large storage furniture items?

How much space do I have? Get out your measuring tape before committing to the huge shelving system (it always seems to look smaller in the catalogue). Plan out the room and determine how much space and along what specific walls you have to use for a storage system.

How can I maximize my space? Find a solution that will  store all of your items without overwhelming your space. There are a lot of different storage solutions out that that will help you stay organized without having to sacrifice your living space.

How long will it take me (guestimate) to unpack this room and when can I do that? – divide and conquer, deciding which rooms you will tackle on which days. You may want to start with those that are a priority (your bedroom, the kitchen, your home office if you’ll work there, etc.) and those that you can do without any additional purchases.

Once you’ve walked through each room, noting anything that needs to happen in there, or purchases that need to be made before you can fully unpack, you can use your list and the details (measurements, quantitiy of items you need to store on a particular solution, etc.)  for shopping and for placing the items once you aquire them.

Feeingl overwhelmed?  We can help you go through each room, take measurements, and make a list of items you will need to purchase, if any to maintain organization in your new home. We are even more than happy to go pick up the items for you and help you put them into place. We excel at taking the overwhelm away and helping you create an action plan for your move in, or helping you every step of the way. Contact us for more information about our Unpack and Put-Away services.

How do you plan space in your home and get ready to move in? We want to hear about it!

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