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How to Productively End Your Work Day at Home

End of Day

Have you successfully made the switch to your new “work from home” routine? 

Are you finding it difficult to turn-off the switch at the end of your work day? Are you shutting down your computer and physically “leaving the office” at the same time you ordinarily would? 

The value of routines and habits

Routines and habits are what sustain our productivity, no matter where we are working. Just as you have certain tasks or activities you do to start your work day, it is just as important to have an “end” of your work day routine. 

To set yourself up to be prepared and successful the next day, try our strategies for an End of Day routine to see if they help you to make the transition from work to home a bit easier. When you’re not thinking about how you’ve left things or what is on tomorrow’s list, you’ll be able to make a clean break, knowing everything is wrapped up for the day and ready for the next. 

Before you leave “the office”, review your calendar for the next day and make sure you have everything you’ll need ready. Is there a Zoom meeting you’ll be attending, and do you have the link and password available? 

Systems and habits will help you stay organized and be as productive as you can. They will ensure that you stay focused on your high priority tasks so you can get more of the important things done in the time that you have. By saving time and reducing stress, they’ll make work (and life) easier! 

What are some things that you can do at the end of each day to set yourself up for success the following day? 

If you’d like to learn more tips and strategies like this, our “It’s About Time” virtual productivity program can help! With monthly webinars and topics to help you work efficiently and effectively, along with support and accountability to help you stay focused, this program will add value and give you time back in your life. No matter if you are working in an office or from your home, we have the virtual solutions you need to stay productive. Contact us today to learn how we can be a resource to you. 

In our next blog post, we’ll share some strategies to help get your work day off to the most productive start. 

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