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Its Not Too Late!

There are 100 days left in the year. What are you going to accomplish during that time period?

I just reviewed my 2009 Goals. Yes, they are written. Yes, they are posted in my office. Yes, I review them on a relatively regular basis (monthlyish). No, I have not made the progress I’d like on some of them.

Did you set goals for 2009? Do you still have some work ahead of you to accomplish what you’d like to for the year? Its not too late!

Today, with 100 days left in the year, is a great time to recommit to those goals you really want to accomplish. Here’s how I’m going to make things happen:

1. Review the goals (if yours are not written, start there!).

2. Make sure they’re “SMART”
     S – Specific (Including desired quantity, quality, etc.)
M- Measurable (how will I know when I’m done?)
A – Attainable (in the next 100 days)
R – Realistic (for me and my business)
T – Time Sensitive (with a deadline)

3. Make sure I really want them.

4. Prioritize (If I only got one done, which would it be? If I got 2 done …?).

5. Map out a plan for accomplishing each goal. This will include breaking the goal down into tasks or action items and plotting those tasks onto my calendar.

6. Share my goals and action plan with my husband and my accountability partner.

7. Decide how I will reward myself or my team for achieving milestones along the way and ultimately accomplishing each goal. (Something to look forward to and work towards!)

8. Do one big thing today that will move me forward on one of my goals.


Let me know what you’re going to do with the last 100 days left in 2009. I’d love to support you in reaching your goals!

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