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Practicing Minimalism, One Day at a Time

Eliminate clutter with our minimalism challenge

Are you curious about how our May Minimalism Challenge works? It’s easy and will have you feeling clutter-free and lighter by 465 items that no longer serve you by the end of the month! 

How the Minimalism Challenge works

On May 1st, find one item that you can work or live without and let it go. May 2nd, find and let go of two items, then on May 3rd, you’ll release three items, and so on. Your item count can include things as small as a button, a pen, or a piece of paper or as large as a piece of furniture. 

How you count items is up to you. Is a pair of shoes one item or two? This is your challenge and you can make the rules! To prepare, set aside a large box or two and make a plan for the items you discard. For example, will you recycle, trash, donate/give away or sell them? 

It will start out slow and easy but will get more “challenging”. On the 31st day, you will be discarding 31 items the day after you let go of 30 other things. Imagine how clearing clutter in this way might impact your life. 

Where does clutter live?

Is there a particular space or area of your home or office where clutter tends to accumulate? It helps to have a plan for how you’ll tackle it, such as clearing items one room or one area at a time.

Do you have items taking up space in your closets (bedrooms, coat, linen), drawers (desk, kitchen, dressers, bathroom), pantry, cupboards (kitchen, laundry) or garage that you no longer use? How about under those sinks (kitchen, bathroom, laundry)? Do you have a stack of magazines that could get tossed into recycling (count each one separately!), or items hiding in the back of a “junk” drawer somewhere?

It’s also a good time to check expiration dates of items in your cupboards, pantry or medicine cabinets and dispose of expired items properly. Clothing and shoes can always be donated, as can many household items. Nightstand and desk drawers are another place “clutter” tends to lurk. How many old, dried up pens are you allowing to take up space? (each one counts as an item!).

And don’t forget your car! Those glove compartments and center consoles accumulate more clutter than you might think! If you have small children (or pets), maybe this is a good time for a toy audit! If you’re really inspired, attics and storage units are also good spaces to purge through periodically.

Are you up for the Minimalism Challenge?

Each morning, we will post the number of items to clear that day and the cumulative total. Interact by sharing a comment about what you’ve discarded (including a picture, if you like). If you’re feeling “challenged” to find items, you might be inspired by someone else’s ideas. If you need an extra push, ask us for suggestions on areas to clear.

We think you’ll agree that “Less is More” and we can’t wait to hear how this challenge impacts your home, work and life! Do you know of someone who would benefit from this challenge? Please share this post and invite them to join! We know everyone that participates will feel lighter as a result of clearing clutter!

Have some clutter you could clear? We’re offering two options for you to participate in the challenge. One is independently through our Organize to Optimize Facebook group (check daily posts and interact through Facebook), and the other through a paid membership for the month of May in our “It’s About Time” virtual productivity group, which offers more support, additional benefits and our monthly Webinar (this month on physical organization and clutter clearing), “Ask the Organizer” and “Eat Your Frog” accountability day. The challenge starts on Saturday!

Are you in?

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