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Moving Away? Get on Your Feet Faster by Lining Up Resources Now!

Getting ready to move out of town or even out of state? Knowing what resources you’ll have available in your new hometown can be just as important as moving your physical belongings. We have a great list to help you get organized about the resources you’ll need to have available when you arrive!

New physicians. If you have a chronic medical condition, it’s best research physicians in your new area and find one that will be a good fit. Ask your current doc for a recommendation. He or she may know of someone in your new area. Take the time to call your insurance company to get a list of in-network providers in the area. Make sure you follow-up with the physicians to make sure they are accepting new patients. Need a specialist? Ask your new found primary care physician for referrals and make those phone calls right away.

Register to vote and update your driver’s license. Know where the closest Department of Licensing office is and make a point to head there soon after you move. In one stop at the Department of Licensing, you can update your information and register to vote at your new address.

Insurance (renter’s, auto, etc.). Do some research before relocating to find an insurance agent you’re comfortable working with. Most major insurance companies have listings on their websites so you can find someone near you. Know someone in the area you’re moving to? Ask them what providers they use and trust.

Professional Organizer. Check out for a directory of Professional Organizers in the area in which you will be moving. Many organizing companies, like Simply Placed, offer “unpack and put away” services to help you set up your new home quickly, getting boxes unpacked in a matter of days (instead of weeks or months), and ensuring that your new home is organized from the start. This will get you off to work faster, let you explore your new surroundings and enjoy your family, instead of being stressed about getting it all done. As an active member of NAPO for almost 10 years and a regular national conference attendee, Debbie has met lots of organizers across the nation and may be able to help you locate one in the area you’re moving to. Don’t hesitate to ask if you’d like a referral.

While there are many other things you’ll want to look into to help your move in be a smooth one, these are a few you might want to line up before you get there so you are covered and ready for anything.

Need a local referral for any sort of service provider that can make your life easier in the greater Puget Sound area of Washington? Just ask us – we’re pretty well connect and we’d be glad to help!

How do you find local resources when you move? We want to know!


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