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NAPO Conference 2014

10406551_10152171608204227_7674769731541036662_nDebbie spent this past week at the 2014 NAPO Conference in Phoenix. She’s been networking with colleagues, exploring new products related to the organizing and productivity industry in the Expo Hall, presenting a concurrent session titled Taking Business from “I” to “We” with Employees, and attending sessions to increase knowledge so that Simply Placed can bring more value to its clients.
Right: Debbie spends some time investigating new products in the Expo Hall.
Below is a picture of Debbie at the Smead booth, where they had a poster featuring their Podcast All Stars. Have you heard Debbie on the Smead Podcast yet? Listen to Debbie discuss overcoming the challenges of disorganization. Stay tuned for more Smead Podcasts featuring Debbie!

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