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Not Your Grandma’s Blackberry Jam

Last week we posted on the perils of multitasking. Well, great minds think alike.

On Friday, I received a brief, informative newsletter from my accountability partner, Jan, on a similar topic and with her permission, I share it with you. I even learned a new term I had not heard before; Blackberry Jam. This term is used to define the phenomenon that occurs on sidewalks and street corners when people multitask while walking and using their handheld devices at the same time.

Check out her take on the topic, and make sure to try this quick “exercise” in multitasking that she links to, courtesy of the NY Times. Its eye opening and revealing. This, combined with a far-to-graphic-to- share-on-this-blog British video I saw recently on YouTube about the dangers of texting while driving, have made it crystal clear to this driver, that its just not a good idea. I think I’ll focus on driving while driving and we’ll all be safer as a result!

Here’s to your focus today!

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