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Searching for: how to focus

Practical Minimalism: When Less is More

Considering Practical Minimalism ‘There’s nothing wrong with possessions; it’s just that they add value to us only when we use them, engage them, enjoy them. They’re nouns that mean something only in conjunction with verbs…If you’re not careful you can end up with a garage full of nouns’. -Rob Bell Stop for a moment and… Read more

Increase Productivity at Work with Simple Routines at Home

Routines help you be more productive. What are your current routines at home and how do they impact your productivity at work? How long does it take for you to get out of the house for work each morning? Do you know where to easily find your keys or that one coffee mug that fits… Read more

5 Apps to Make Building Habits and Achieving Goals Easier

Building habits and achieving goals takes more than good intentions, as many people who struggle to follow through with their New Year’s resolutions can attest. Creating success requires taking action and measuring progress. Hopefully your resolutions each year are goals that you have made SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time sensitive. If you like… Read more

How to Manage a Productive Staff Meeting

Do you feel like your staff meetings are productive? Are they effective in achieving the goals you set for them? If not, it may be time to rethink how you run them. Having a productive staff meeting is crucial to many organizations so that they do not waste valuable time in meetings. Productivity is key… Read more

The Importance of “Me Time”

The Importance of “Me Time” Sure, you’re passionate about your job, feel great about those you serve when you volunteer, you love your family and spending time with them, but also realize that sometimes your life can drive you a little nutty. Don’t worry, you are only human. And being human means from time to… Read more

How to Juggle the Five Primary Facets of Life

I’m sure you’ve heard the adage “you can’t do it all”. I disagree with that saying. I think you CAN do it all (or at least all that you want to do; just not all at the same time. We’re constantly making choices about how we spend our time, and where we place our attention…. Read more

Get Organized For The Health Of It

What does organization have to do with your health? More than you think! Being organized affects more than just your environment – it also has a strong relationship with your level of health and well-being. Clutter and chaos can make us feel overwhelmed and out of control, contributing to increased levels of stress in our… Read more

Fewer Things, Done Better

Author Greg McKeown writes in his popular book Essentialism how LinkedIn Executive Chairman Jeff Weiner considers “fewer things done better as the most powerful tool for effective leadership”. Like many other growing technology companies, Weiner might have easily tried to pursue multiple directions for the company. Instead, he said no to many good opportunities in… Read more

Keeping You Organized for Business or Summer Travel

After putting off travel plans during the last two years of the pandemic, airlines, hotels, and travel agents are all reporting that Americans are planning increased travel for late spring and summer. Are you traveling out of town this summer? A family vacation? Maybe a business trip that requires some advance planning? (If your summer… Read more

Six Ways to Anchor Yourself with Daily Habits

Use “Certainty Anchors” – Six Ways to Establish Daily Habits Having big life goals is exciting, motivating and necessary for propelling yourself towards the things you want to accomplish. But sometimes enormous life goals can also create fear or overwhelm, which can cause you to feel stuck. When you’re going after BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious… Read more

How to Have the Benefits of an Organized Workspace

How Do You Organize Your Workspace? One in four Americans wish they had a more organized workspace. Are you one of them? Staying organized in the workplace is incredibly important and leads to better output and quality work. It can be tough to get started, though, especially if you have an excess of clutter. To… Read more

How to Say No at Work

Do you need to just say “no”? These days many people are expected to do more work in less time. Since people want to appear eager, be a team player and be well liked, they often understandably say yes to increasing demands. But sometimes saying yes comes with a high cost. Increased stress, decreased focus,… Read more

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