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Race to Nowhere

We recently came across this trailer for a documentary called “Race to Nowhere.”  This trailer shows how our kids are under so much pressure to perform well in school and extracurricular activities that they are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and unhappy.  According to the students and teachers interviewed for this documentary, students are spending countless hours on homework each night, not eating, getting sick, and some have gone so far as to contemplate suicide as a solution to end their pain and stress.   How devastating!

The goal of this documentary is to redefine success.  Success is often measured by how much money you make or what you produce, but how great would it be if success was defined by how happy you are?

We find out clients are happiest when they feel good about their work/life balance. There’s a great quote I read that states, “You can do everything you want in life. Just not at the same time” (Barbary Sher). Take this to heart and prioritize. What’s important to you right now? What can wait? Do you have the balance you want in life?

Please take a few minutes to check out this Race to Nowhere trailer and then take some time to slow down and enjoy life!

Let us know what you think and how this trailer impacts you. We always love to hear from you.

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