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Reflect Before You Project

As you think about the year you’d like to have in 2011, begin by reflecting on the year that is coming to a close.

What went well in 2010? What were your wins? Proudest moments? Times when you felt your best? What was the most fun? Brought you joy? Made your heart sing? Made the biggest difference for your work or your life?

Next, think about what challenges presented themselves. What surprised you? What roadblocks did you face? What obstacles got in your way? What drained your energy? What did you try, but didn’t like?

Now, with answers to these questions, think about what you’d like to build on, or what you’d like to overcome and conquer in 2011. What kind of year would you like it to be? What one business goal are you most excited to accomplish? What one personal goal, when achieved, will add quality to your life?

What intentions and goals are you setting in 2011? We’d love to cheer you on!

Watch the blog for more on Planning for Success in the weeks to come. There are some powerful things you can think about and do to set yourself up for success in 2011. We’re excited to share the year with you.

To your success!

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