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Feeling, Processing and Returning to Productive Action

Productively moving forward after disappointment

Responding to disappointment and productively moving forward

When you’re experiencing something hard in your life, it can throw you off your game. When disappointment or overwhelm strikes, how do you respond?

Sometimes you need to just give yourself a break and take time to process what is happening around you and not be productive. Whether it is meditation, exercise, fresh air, listening to music or just letting your thoughts go, you should do whatever helps you to move through what you’re feeling. For some, the predictability of just keeping a daily routine is helpful.

When something doesn’t go your way or turn out the way you hoped, you need time to process that disappointment and honor your own feelings. Then when you’re ready, you will be better able to return to a state of productivity and be your best again.

Is this video, Debbie shares a recent experience of how she processed disappointment in a “keeping it real” and personal way:

When something happens in your life that sets you off track, how do you find your groove again? What do you do, when you’re ready, to productively move past something and get back to being yourself when things happen in your life? We’d love to hear from you.

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