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Stuck on the Ceiling?

Don’t you just love the Peeling Mom Off the Ceiling logo (shown here)? Those of you that can relate to the woman in that picture, please make sure to check out our guest blog post on the Peeling Mom Off the Ceiling website/blog. I write about multitasking not being all its cracked up to be.

If you are a mom stuck up there on the ceiling, run, don’t walk (actually, just click) to register for Leslie Irish Evan’s free webinar, “Get Me Down From Here”, taking place on December 1st. Remeber, its free, though I’m sure what Leslie has to share will be priceless.

Join the conversation (filled with humor and great tips for managing stress and simplifying your life) on the Peeling Mom off the Ceiling facebook page.

Lastly, you may also want to avail yourself of Leslie’s free report, Chill Out Now, where she shares information to help busy moms reduce stress, improve your mood and have more energy. Win, win, win.

Enjoy and we’ll see you back down here on the ground, with your shoulders detached from your ears. What a great concept!

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