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Are You Stuck in a Cycle of Procrastination?

Are You Stuck in a Cycle of Procrastination?

Procrastination: that undesirable time gap between intention and action. We’re all guilty of procrastination from time to time, and it is one of the biggest time management enemies and productivity killers. You intend to do something, you may even plan time to do it, but then you drag your feet. Getting out of the cycle… Read more

Here’s How You Can Use a “Power Hour” to Get Things Done

A Power Hour is a phrase coined by Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project.  In her on-going work to find ways to be happier in life, she realized she needed a reliable way to attend to those tasks that don’t rank high on the priority list and yet cause problems and stress when left… Read more

Are Worry and Anxiety Undermining Your Productivity?

Worry and anxiety have far-reaching consequences when it comes to your ability to get things done.  You’re likely familiar with what happens to your body and mood when you simply worry about remembering to do something.  You may feel twitchy or tingly or like your mind is racing.  You may become irritable.  Less familiar to… Read more

5 Small Productivity Tips that Have Big Impact

Small actions can have large results.  When it comes to increasing productivity through improved organization, small changes in behaviors and routine regularly create tremendous change.  Here are 5 small changes you can try today (choose 1 or more) to improve your productivity, reduce stress and overwhelm and save time. Start your day from your task list… Read more

Tech Talk Thursday: Get it Done with Goalforit!

Do you struggle with goal setting and prioritization? OK, perhaps that’s a snap for you, but how about your family? What if your kids had a fun, easy to use online behavior chart to help them establish positive behavior and successful habits?   Goalforit is an online community of individuals who are commited to achieving… Read more

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