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Here’s How You Can Use a “Power Hour” to Get Things Done

Here’s How You Can Use a “Power Hour” to Get Things Done

A Power Hour is a phrase coined by Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project.  In her on-going work to find ways to be happier in life, she realized she needed a reliable way to attend to those tasks that don’t rank high on the priority list and yet cause problems and stress when left… Read more

Supercharge Your Task List to Get More Done

A task list is nothing more than a collection of words that cue you to take an action. You can supercharge your task list by choosing more effective words that not only cue you to take action, they also clearly define the action you need to take.  When you choose better words for your task… Read more

Here’s How Simply Placed Uses Trello for Project Managment

Trello works well as a digital project management tool.  It is a simple app to use, flexible for a variety of types of projects and works well to help you visually organize and make sense of the various components and lifecycle of a project.  If you like using sticky notes to organize your ideas or… Read more

Here’s How to Use Automation to Increase Productivity and Reduce Stress

The ability to automate processes marked a signifiant shift in the ability to increase manufacturing productivity and quality.  Finding ways to automate tasks can also help you increase your productivity and effectiveness at work and in life. Benefits of automation include: Freeing up time and attention Predictably and reliably executing common activities Reducing the risk of… Read more

Use These Organizing Apps to Combat Digital Disorganization

Do you struggle with digital disorganization?  One part of bringing order to your e-stuff is having the right tools and in this case applications to help you manage and find files, pictures and resources when you need them. Here are some apps we like that help bring order to your digital disorganization: Password Managers –… Read more

Find Time Friday: Fractal Planner

Do you have a complex project looming over your head? Could you use some task management software to help you get organized and work smarter? Can you remember what a fractal is from your days in math class? A fractal is essentially a patten that repeats itself and can become infinitely smaller. Fractals are everywhere in… Read more

Tech Talk Thursday: Do Something Big before Email

Do you dread hitting the office every morning only to see how many new emails you’ve received in just one night? Do you wonder how you’ll ever be able to get your work done and respond to all of those messages? We have a tip for you: stop letting email guide your work and progress… Read more

Tech Talk Thursday: Task Management with the Eisenhower Matrix

Looking for a way to visually prioritize and organize your tasks? The idea of categorizing tasks by urgency and importance is credited to President Eisenhower who is quoted as saying, “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” Utilizing the Eisenhower matrix requires that you ask yourself two very simple… Read more

Take the Scare Out of Your Task List

Three Quick Tips to Take the Fright Out of your Task List 1. Prioritize. Have a “to-do” list that’s 10 pages long? It’s time to take a second and prioritize. Start small and pick the top three tasks you feel are of greatest priority for that day and focus your efforts on those. It is important… Read more

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