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Tech Talk Thursday: Get it Done with Goalforit!

Do you struggle with goal setting and prioritization? OK, perhaps that’s a snap for you, but how about your family? What if your kids had a fun, easy to use online behavior chart to help them establish positive behavior and successful habits?


Goalforit is an online community of individuals who are commited to achieving success. The site provides user-friendly tools to help achieve success in everyday life. Here’s what they have to offer:

1. Goal tracking – Establish your long-term goals (bucket list, anyone?), and systematically manage and review your progress. (See one of our past blog posts on how you can increase your success in accomplishing your goals.)

Or, work on daily goals and habits. If “routine equals habit,” then by routinely tracking your daily goals and tasks they will become positive new habits. Week by week, you can track goals/habits such as waking up on time or spending more time with your family.

Need some motivation? Make it a game by assigning points to your goal and then giving yourself a reward when you reach it. Success is sweet!

2. Chore and behavior charts – Perfect for kids, tweens, and teens, the chore chart helps them accept responsibility and stay focused and on-task. There is also an optional allowance system to help them learn about earning, saving, and spending.

The behavior chart helps kids understand the consequences of their choices and aids in building essential behavioral skills and a positive sense of self-determination.  Charts can be printed or accessed online.

3. To-Do lists – Manage multiple lists with reminders. You can print your lists, make them private, and even set up your account so that you receive reminders straight to your email inbox. No more excuses for leaving tasks undone!

There is no time like the present to set goals and make your dreams a reality. Tell us, what tools do you use to achieve your goals?

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