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Tech Talk Thursday: Prioritize Your Calls by Converting Your Voicemail to Text Messages

Today’s post is brought to you by a wonderful client of Simply Placed who recently posed to me this question: is there any way I can get my voicemail messages as texts? Her smart question was born of a need to be able to prioritize incoming phone calls without having to listen to multiple voicemails in real time. She is a busy solo-preneur with a thriving business, and she fields many phone calls in a typical workday from both existing and prospective clients.

As it happens, there are an increasing number of voicemail-to-text resource available. Many major cellular service providers including at&t, T-Mobile, Sprint, and Verizon now offer this feature as a relatively inexpensive add-on to your existing service plan. And if your provider isn’t offering it yet, then there are plenty of apps available for Apple and Android owners alike.

Tell us: do you use voicemail-to-text? Do you get it through your cellular service or do you have an app for that?

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