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Tech Talk Thursday: Track Your Fitness Goals Online with Myfitnesspal

Happy New Year to the Simply Placed community! With the new year inevitably comes new resolve to make positive changes in our lives. It will come as no surprise that the most oft cited goal at the turn of the year is to lose weight and get into better shape. It’s a great goal! Research shows that people who have a fitness partner are better able to stick to their programs than those who try to push through it alone. Having a partner can help to motivate you, challenge you, and hold you accountable.

Research also shows that tracking food and caloric intake in the form of a food journal helps to give a realistic perspective on daily eating habits that leads to long-term weight loss. If losing weight and getting into better shape is on your wish list for 2013, then consider tracking your fitness goals online with Myfitnesspal. Myfitnesspal is a free online tool that allows you to set your fitness goal and then track your daily food and exercise. With Myfitnesspal you can also invite friends via email or Facebook to join you on your journey and hold each other accountable. Myfitnesspal is also available as an app for iPhone and Android.

What better way to meet the new year than with the best possible you? Tell us: how will you meet your health and fitness goals this year?



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