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Toss Coupons: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing coupons, offers, gift cards and frequent buyer cards. Do you have a drawer at work, wallet, purse, plastic bag, or pouch filled to the brim with coupons and cards of all kinds? Are you holding on to gift cards you’ve had for years and never used? It’s time to pitch some of those expired coupons and gift card clutter. Ten minutes is enough time to purge your purse or coupon organizer of anything you won’t use or that is expired and to toss any frequent buyer cards you don’t use. Organize those you’ll really use in a tool like the Card Cubby. For those you’re ready to let go, give gift cards to family and friends that you know will use and enjoy them, donate them to your favorite charity, or sell your gift cards on Plastic Jungle. Embrace today’s challenge and toss out your old coupons, offers, gift cards and frequent buyer cards!

Ready, set, TOSS!

If you have ideas for a Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge, please let us know! In the meantime, check back weekly for a new challenge and make sure to join in the fun. We look forward to hearing about how you do with the challenges.

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