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Toss Expired Medications: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing your expired medications. Do you have a drawer, cabinet or box full of old medications? Are you holding on to pills from years ago? It’s time to pitch some of those old bottles of various medications that you no longer take or that are expired.

You have a lot of safe options now when it comes to discarding your medications:

  • Contact your local police department to see if they have an on-going medicine take-back program. Several departments in King County are currently participating.
  • Check with your pharmacy to see if they have a medicine take-back program. Many Bartell’s locations offer this service. Other pharmacies may sell pre-paid envelopes you can use to mail back your medications.
  • If you can’t find a medication take-back program in your area, remove the drugs from their original containers and mix them with an undesirable substance like coffee grounds. This will make the medication less appealing to children and pets. Place the mixture in a sealable bag or can.
Always remember to remove any identifying information from medication containers before disposing them. Also, never flush medication unless specifically instructed to do so. For a full list of precautions, visit the CDC’s website.

Ten minutes is enough time to purge your medicine cabinet. Embrace today’s challenge and safely dispose of your expired medications!

Ready, set, TOSS!

If you have ideas for a Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge, please let us know! In the meantime, check back weekly for a new challenge and make sure to join in the fun. We look forward to hearing about how you do with the challenges.

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