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Toss Old Cleaning Supplies: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge!  RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing old, expired or otherwise unssable cleaning supplies!  Do you have a disastrous cleaning supply closet at work? Dried or expired products underneath your sink at home? Ten minutes is enough time to discard expired products, toss worn or torn gloves and towels, replace icky sponges for new ones, take inventory and condense what you need and want to keep.

Inspired by April’s upcoming Earth Day or been thinking about how you can take better care of the environment? This is also a good time to go green with your cleaning supplies. Switch out those toxic chemicals with vinegar or baking soda based products or even make your own cleaning products with what’s already in your pantry. You’ll find environmentally friendly products are commercially available everywhere as well.

Embrace today’s challenge and clean up your cleaning supplies!

Ready, set, TOSS!

How to you keep your cleaning supplies in order?  We want to know!

If you have ideas for a Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge, please let us know! In the meantime, check back weekly for a new challenge and make sure to join in the fun. We look forward to hearing about how you do with the challenges.

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