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How to Consistently Plan for a Productive Week

Weekly planning for success

Do you have a routine that you use for weekly planning in your work or personal life? What are the things that you do to set yourself up for success each week? 

Weekly planning in action

The best way to have a productive week is to prepare for it at the end of the previous week. Take some time as you wrap up your work week to set yourself up for a successful start by thinking about the week ahead. 

End your week by celebrating what you accomplished. Next review your objectives and goals so that you can identify priorities for the week ahead. Bring your week to a close by also looking at your calendar to schedule time to accomplish tasks that will help you get closer to your overall goals and objectives. 

Block time out on your calendar for your priorities. Ideally your priorities align with your values, so you’ll be planning time for what’s most important to you. For example, if health and fitness are important, schedule in blocks of time that are reserved for exercise or self-care. When you clarify your priorities and then identify time on your calendar to make progress, you can eliminate stress and surprises. Doing this at the end of the work week for the week ahead can help you relax over the weekend, knowing you have a plan in place. 

Don’t forget personal planning in addition to planning for work

Besides planning for work, take time to plan for personal logistics and personal priorities as well. You may even chose to do this with others in your household or personal life. Get out the calendar together and discuss who in your family will be where, when in the week ahead? You can plan for rides that kids may need for their activities. You’ll also know and can plan for who will be home for dinner each night. Meal planning and grocery shopping ahead of time will alleviate last-minute scrambling. Again, doing some weekly planning and even prep where you can over the weekend will position you to have a powerfully productive week in the week ahead.

Routines and habits for success

Weekly planning is an example of how routines and habits set us up for success. Just as you have certain tasks or activities you do to start your work week, it is just as important to have an “end” of your work day or work week routine.  Weekly planning at the end of your work week, or personally over the weekend can help in two ways. First, it will help ensure a productive week ahead. Second, it can help you make a clean break into down time, recreation time, and “time off” over the weekend.

If when you do your weekly planning , you look into the week ahead and notice an already jam packed schedule with little room to create space and time block for priorities, you may need to consider all that is on your plate. Are you saying “yes” to too many obligations? Is the time committed on your calendar in alignment with what is most important to you? If not, you might need to practice saying “no”. Consider when to say “no” to in order to say “yes” to what you most need and want to spend time on. Learning how to respectfully say “no” is one of the most powerful time management strategies you can use. Saying “no” protects your time and honors your priorities. 

Plan for some help – we’re here for you!

Could you use some help ensuring your time is planned in accordance to what you value? Want guidance on establishing a weekly planning routine that will help you to be more organized and productive? Do you want more time for the things that are really important in life? Schedule your free, no-risk Discovery Call and learn how we can help you to set yourself up for success, crush your goals and have more time for what matters most!  

If you don’t already have a routine around weekly planning, this might be a good day to start! 

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