How can you organize work so that you have regular experiences of getting things done and the associated dopamine high? Now you know the science behind why getting things done feels good and you have a way to purposefully trigger a dopamine surge and use it as motivational tool. You can apply this knowledge when you plan out your work so that you stay motivated. Here are some tips:
- Start your day by getting something done. Completing a project, large or small, first thing triggers the pleasure of achievement and sets the stage for a productive day.
- Break up large projects into smaller tasks. Large projects can be daunting because it can take a long time or high level of effort before they are done, making it easy to lose motivation.
- Establish external rewards.
- Plan to reward yourself for a job well-done.
- Choose and time rewards so that they truly serve to motivate you. Careful to make the level of celebration match the effort of the task. Also, don’t derail your fitness and health goals by over-indulging.
Need more helping staying motivated? Read our pervious posts: When Life Seems Out of Control, Set Small Goals to Stay Motivated and The Neurotransmitter Dopamine Plays an Important Role in Productivity and get some great ideas!