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Wellness Wednesday: Make Routines Productive

Are your routines making you more productive or are they slowing your day down? What starts as a simple routine slowly becomes a habit, for better or for worse. That habit soon becomes an unconscious behavior, second nature for you. Are your unconscious behaviors helping you achieve your goals?

Set small goals to complete every day until they become productive, healthy habits. Soon these small tasks or goals will be second nature for you. Plan ahead and set these goals the night before, set your new productive routines up for success by setting out everything you need to get off on the right foot.

Establish a “do it now” habit. Take “later” out of your vocabulary and take action. Having a “do it now habit” will help you to avoid the temptations to procrastinate or sabotage your healthy habits and routines.

How do you keep your routines productive? We want to know!

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