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Wellness Wednesday: Making Room for Others

Having a disorganized home affects more than just the environment – it also has an impact on your loved ones. Clutter and chaos can make us feel overwhelmed and out of control, contributing to increased levels of stress in our bodies, lives, and relationships. If you struggle with disorganization and time management and feel as though you are never going to get ahead, ask yourself if perhaps there is no time like the present to clear out the clutter and improve your interpersonal relationships.

Aside from the strain that one partner’s physical clutter can put on a romantic relationship, lack of time management can also negatively affect relationships with friends, family, and co-workers. Chronic lateness and missed appointments fosters frustration and resentment. By being organized, you can be on time for all of your promises and commitments. Make room in your schedule for the people who matter and with that, make physical room as well. Creating pleasant, clutter free spaces for you and those you care about to spend time in will decrease the stress you feel, allowing you to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

How do you make room in your life for your friends and family? We want to know!

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