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Wellness Wednesday: Organize and Prepare for Holiday Guests

Good hospitality never goes out of style and for the most part all of the things people have done for decades to welcome guests to their homes hold true: a clean home, a well-laid table, fresh sheets and pillows and good food.  There are, however, things today that our parents and grandparents didn’t have to contend with like Wi-Fi networks, the need to charge electronic devices, complex home entertainment systems and automated or not-so-automated coffee making devices.

Customize this Guest Information Packet this month and become an excellent 21st Century host or hostess. Get even more of your holiday planning organized with our Simply Organized Holiday Bundle! It provides plans, checklists and forms that you can use to make your holidays joyful for your entire family. With this action guide you will find all the necessary tools to execute a well-planned and enjoyable holiday season.

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