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Wellness Wednesday: Spring Cleaning – It’s Not Just for Your House or Office!

With the emergence of Springtime, we’ve been motivated to de-clutter and deep clean our homes and offices. As the days get longer and lighter, the sunlight illuminates the dust and reminds us that the slow pace of winter is fading away and will soon be a distant memory. It’s time to optimize systems because the go-go-go pace of summertime in the Northwest is coming just as soon as the “June Gloom” evaporates. In addition to tuning-up your home, why not also greet this summer with renewed energy and well-being in your body?

Spring cleaning – or “cleansing” – your diet is a ritual observed by most traditional cultures around the world. In wintertime we tend to gravitate toward heavy and rich comfort foods that can often leave us feeling slow and sluggish come springtime. And by “cleanse,” we don’t mean a crash diet that is designed to help you achieve rapid weight loss, rather this is an opportunity to give your body optimum nutrition so that it can rid itself of energy enemies and fatigue-inducing toxins.

Many kinds of programs exist, and the diet gurus of the world are happy to sell you books about why their programs are best. However, a simple, safe, and highly effective approach is to first establish a realistic timeline (no fewer than 2 and no more than 5 days), and then follow these 5 rules:*

  1. Drink plenty of pure, clear water
  2. Add in plenty of whole fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean proteins – for an added bonus, choose options that are available locally and in season.
  3. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugary sodas
  4. Eliminate processed food, fast food, and bakery treats
  5. Limit sugar and sweeteners of all kinds

If you are looking for a supported cleanse with menu plans, try this one by Chef Kirsten Helle of Mesa de Vida. And if you’d like help organizing and resetting your pantry in preparation for a healthful summer, call us! We’d love to help.

* Always consult your doctor before following any dietary program if you take medication where the absorption is impacted by blood sugar levels.

In addition to her expertise as a Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant, Tabitha is certified as a Holistic Health Coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Aren’t we lucky to have her skill-set on the Simply Placed team? She’s in a super position to help you organize for your optimal health!


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