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Here’s How to Stop Clutter Before it Happens

The best way to reduce clutter is through prevention.  Keep the clutter at bay with this one small change!  Decide today to process items before they come into your home.  You aren’t likely to let people into your home without an invitation.  Take the same approach to things.  Before you bring them in decide what they are and whether they are worthy of being guests in your home.  Here’s how.

Ask “Do you need it? and Do you love it?” – If the answer is yes to either of these 2 questions, then welcome the item into your home.  If the answer is no, do not take it into the house! Put it out for donation, recycling or trash.
Know beforehand where it belongs and put it away.  Know before you go is the logic here.  If there is a home for the item, now you’re ready to take action and put it away.  If you don’t know, then you have the opportunity to make a decision about where it will live or commit to making a place.
Be choosey!  Don’t let items you don’t need or value come into your home.  Prevent them from becoming clutter by making decisions about their value and place in your home.  The prevention of clutter lies in making timely decisions.

If you’re currently mired in clutter, don’t despair!  Start today to reduce what comes into you home by using the process above.  Next make a plan for decluttering what’s already in your home.  Below are some resources to help you get started and complete the work of decluttering.  Have questions or need additional help? Contact us.

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